How to create digital clock in Ruby Shoes

29 Jun 2014

Posted by Milos Dolobac

In this post I want to show how to create digital clock using Shoes.

how to create clock in Ruby

Clock is first in following series of tutorials about using Time library in Shoes. Next time we’ll look at stopwatch and timer.

You can find out example code on github

Here’s what we’ve in front of us.

  • First we’ll add current time with Ruby Time library and append in to title element
  • Then we’ll add automatic update to current time
  • And we’ll add some styling to our clock

Adding current Time to our app.

First thing we need to do is add current time. We’ll use Time library for this. Create ruby file clock.rb and add this code:

require 'green_shoes' height: 50, width: 230 do
  flow margin: 5 do
    @clock = title ''
    t =
    @clock.text = t.strftime("%H:%M:%S")

If you run our app right now, you should see something like this:

adding current time in ruby

Take look at the code we’ve just done.

@clock = title ''

We’ll store our clock in element title with name @clock. We didn’t usetitle until now, so you need to know that difference between title and para is that para is 12px high and titleis 34px high.

t =
@clock.text = t.strftime("%H:%M:%S")

On a first line we’ve created instance of Ruby Time class. On second line we’ve converted only hours, minutes, and seconds to string for using in our title.

Updating clock

Our clock isn’t working well. We want to update clock after every change in time. Updating is very simple. Just add this code.

require 'green_shoes' do
  flow do
    @clock = title ''
    animate do
      t =
      @clock.text = t.strftime("%H:%M:%S")

Run your app now, it should update clock every second.

Adding some style to clock

Our clock isn’t looking very good. Let’s fix it, replace code with clock text with this:

@clock.text = bg(fg(t.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), rgb(0, 255, 0)), black)

Take last look at the code we’ve just done:

require 'green_shoes' height: 50, width: 230 do
  flow margin: 5 do
    @clock = title ''
    animate do
      t =
      @clock.text = bg(fg(t.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), rgb(0, 255, 0)), black)

So here we’ve set color of clock numbers to green and background to black.

Now we’re done. Have some ideas how to improve clock? Feel free to add changes to github.

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